You are most likely at this website because you need change. Maybe you are experiencing the most devasating set of circumstances and need someone to walk with you. Perhaps, you find yourself stuck in patterns you have been in for many years and are ready to do something about it. No matter what you are going through, we are here to help.
Revolution Counseling provides counseling services for individuals, adolescents, couples. In addition, we offer group counseling. Here are some of our specialities: Click here to contact us.
Individual Counseling
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Partum Depression
Obssessive-Compulsive Disorder
Couples Counseling
Conflict Resolution
Fair Fighting
Falling Back In Love/Staying in Love
Premarital Counseling
Groups (click here to go to our Groups page)
Parents of Children With Autism
Teen Girls
Partner Infidelity
Revolution Counseling began as a counseling service in 2007, and as a resource for pastor's wives. The ministry was formed due to Angie's experience as a Pastor's wife and her heart for a group of women who often suffer in silence. Since 2007, Angie has counseled pastor's wives around the issues of depression, anxiety, and the general pressures of ministry.
In August 2011, Angie discovered her husband's affair, which led to the elimination of their ministry and an unfortunate divorce. God's restoration and healing has been ever-present in Angie's life over the last few years. The calling to minister to pastor's wives, ministry couples, and children of ministry couples was reignited.
Over the last several years, Angie has received emails, facebook messages and phone calls from other pastor's wives who heard about her situation and needed a listening ear.Little did she know that with each story of brokenness, a flame and passion to help other pastor's wives was burning. The passion for pastor's wives burned so deeply, Angie had to do something to help.
In April of 2014, Angie formulated a treatment program called, "Flowers in the Desert." The program was born out of a need for a program that addressed the issues pastor's wives face, following their husband's moral failure. When a minister has a moral failure, the impact is far-reaching. The wives of ministers who had moral failures are the innocent victims, yet they are often left to bear the consequences of their husband’s sin. These women experience many losses which include: ministry, marriage, family, income. In cases where their husbands are unrepentant, many women seek a divorce. Others suffer in silence, due to poor counsel that pressure them to remain in their marriage, “for the sake of the ministry.” After their husband’s credentials are removed, they are “forgotten,” and are given little or no resources.
You can find out more about Flowers in the Desert by clicking here. You can also hear Angie's story and more about why she is so passionate about this issue.
Flowers in the Desert
Revolution Counseling