Flowers in the Desert
Many of you have followed me over the last few years, following the hurricane that hit my life. It has been a long, hard road, but God has been healing and restoring both me and the boys. After nearly three years of my own recovery process, I am stepping out into a new calling. Over the last few years, I have received numerous emails, phone calls, and Facebook messages from former pastor's wives who knew of my story and sought me out for advice, prayer and support. A stirring that began two years ago, came to an emotional head as I painfully listened to another pastor's wife share her devastation over the discovery of her husband's secret life. I am not sure what happened in me that day, but an anger welled up in me. The scary and incredible ride of life only became more crazy when I opened my big mouth and sent an email to Dr. George Wood, who serves at the Superintendent of the Assemblies of God. The email was prompted by anger and frustration I felt after receiving news that another ordained minister with the A/G experienced a moral failure. Can I just stop and jump on my soapbox? I am so tired of hearing stories of pastors who engage in sexual sin. I am sick and tired of watching pastor's wives and their children bear the brunt of such sin. I am appalled at the way denominations seemingly kick these pastor's wives to the curb. Okay..soapbox over..Now back to what's new and what I am going to do about this epidemic. I sent an email to Dr. George Wood, and told him my story and my concerns. In addition, I offered some solutions to assist with this issue. One solution is an intensive counseling/treatment program I wrote, just for pastor's wives. The program is called Flowers in the Desert. It is a four-day intensive counseling program where pastor's wives (whose husbands have experienced moral failure) come and stay in my home for four days. They receive professional counseling, tools to assist them with their new and difficult road, a makeover, and a treatment program to take home. I never expected a response from Dr. Wood, but less than 24 hours later, he responded to my email and sent the email to Dr. Jim Bradford who serves over the ordination/discipline process of the A/G. Check out the progression of events:
One week after I sent the email to Dr. Wood, Dr. Bradford and I spoke at length on the phone regarding this issue. He wholeheartedly agreed the need is great and offered his counsel and support. In addition, we discussed the need for preventative measures to be put into place, so moral failures decrease.
Two weeks after the initial email was sent to Dr. Wood, I connected with my first candidate for the treatment program
God miraculously opened the doors for financial provision so she could attend the program.
Exactly one month after I sent my email to Dr. Wood, an amazing pastor's wife attended the treatment program.
Flowers in the Desert soft-launched with a pilot program on March 16th, but now the real work begins and there is much to be done.These women (former pastor's wives) are amazing. They have endured horrific trauma, shame and abandonment, yet stood above the trauma to lead their children and their homes. Many are now single Moms, and are faced with being providers. They have lost everything, but most are not bitter and instead walk closely with God. These women are superstars! Yet they are battle-torn and are in need of ministry and restoration. Please stay tuned to this blog as Flowers in the Desert continues to develop. Here is a short list of what is needed. If you would like to help or contribute, that would rock! 1. Website 2. Promotional materials 3. Money - Yep. We need money to get this program rolling. 4. Speaking engagements - I would love to share my story and share about this new ministry. 5. Prayer - Since I said yes to God and stepped out in faith, my health, and my children have been under attack. 6. Coaches - I need coaches to continue to work with women after they leave the program. I want to thank everyone who has prayed, supported, encouraged me and loved me over the last three years. You have no idea how much your messages, Facebook "likes" and heartfelt love mean to me!! If you feel God leading you to help, feel free to email me at: or message me on Facebook.