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Self Care...Who Has Time?

Self-care is a popular buzz term. Just open your Facebook page. There is sure to be an article about great ways to take care of yourself. With all the creative and simple ways to implement self-care, why do most people lack in the area of self-care?

In my work with patients, I discuss self-care in the first session. I ask this simple (yet not so simple question). How do you take care of yourself? The answers vary, but the most common response is, "I don't have time."

The excuse of no time is just excuse. We seem to have time to update our Facebook status and view the latest cat video. We have plenty of time to stand in a long line at Starbucks to order a nonfat, extra hot, sugar free, two pumps, soy vanilla latte with no whip. We have time to binge watch a new Netflix series. (By the way, have you seen House of Cards?) We have time to gossip about coworkers and complain about our spouse. We even have time to take that perfect selfie... You get the point.

The rate of anxiety and depression are on the rise. One main reason is that people do not take the time to care adequately for their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. The excuse of "no time," actually translates into two gut-wrenching truths. First, I don't care enough about my overall health to make time for self-care. Second, I like being a martyr and caring for everyone else.

Are you unhappy? Are you depressed? Do you struggle with anxiety? Then start with self-care. Eat well. Get enough rest. Exercise. Do things you enjoy. Be grateful. These are building blocks for self-care and are five simple ways to take care of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs.

An excellent way to know if you have adequate self-care in your life is by listening to your body. If you feel anxious, depressed, or unhappy, evaluate your level of self-care.

Take time to take care of you. You are worth it.

Want to talk more? Call us. We would be honored to walk with you.

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